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Showing posts from April, 2017

Aspiration day

Aspiration day is a day where we could express our aspiration about the school(SMA 3). It could be critic,complaint, or suggestion. There is two part of aspiration day. The first part is the festival and the second part is Lapas(Laporan Pertanggungjawaban aspirasi) that is now known as Kilas 3. This year, the festival part has some performance.Theres a perform from Musik Klasik 3 and There is a stand up comedy competition. I'm pretty entertained with the stand up comedy, even though theres some lame jokes that made the situation pretty awkward. Theres two candidate thats more outstanding than the others. They're kang Fikri and kang Faikar. I prefer kang Faikar because I can get his jokes. At the end, the winner was announced. And the winner is kang Faikar. That was a funny day. The day after the festival day is Kilas 3. That is a day where the students of SMAN 3 could express their aspiration directly to school and get the follow up directly from school. Theres two delegati...

crossword puzzle

  Horizontal: 1. For carrying things 2. See (verb 2) 3. More 4. Amunition 5. Sardines packaging 6. Pocket 7. Trash can 8. King's symbol 9. For walking 10. Plant 11. For parking cars, bikes, etc. 12. Denial 17. The creator Vertical: 1. Throwing ball sport 8. Pay attention 9. X-men 13. Rush 14. Victory 15. Fire 16. The leader of the country 17. .... Lantern